We have had a very noisy night. The wild and the other dogs have been howling and barking and kept us awake most part of the night. There was other animals awake too: Maria found their traces in the bread and on the potatoes. It must have been rats or some other form of gnarling animals. Well dr Jan was to leave at 0900 and Maria was thinking of taking the opportunity to go to
The round was quiet and “sister” Timoty followed me although he was seemingly very tired.
We sent some patients home one because her mother wished it, and the child was not too sick.
One very seldom see osteo-myelitis in fractures in children, bur we have one with an old fracture of the femur, supposedly healed, that had started to produce suppuration. After two weeks of antibiotics (cloxacillin p.o.) it had almost dried up and there was no more foul smell. He must according to western standards go on eating his pills for at least two months to avoid recurrence, so I pointed out very clearly how important it was that he took his pills as prescribed (meaning not to sell them outside the hospital). If they did not follow prescription he would very soon be back in hospital and back to square one, if not worse. We also sent home some diarrheas without loose stools and other uncomplicated cases tha did not qualify for the ward. A severely burnt hand was redressed by Timoty and I do not think it has any future as the fingers are to severely burnt and the child is olding the wrist in 90 degrees angel to ease the pain. If he gets stiff with the hand in this position he will be unable to use it for any purpose. We try to keep the wrist straight with a bandage with specula as support but some of the personell hav not gotten the idea straigt, so the try to put the speculas aling the fingers instead.
When I got “home” I tried to fix a leaking warm water pipe with silvertape but failed, so it will go on dripping until you change the pipe which could take months. I expect to have lunc when Maria returns from Ndola.
3 kommentarer:
dear Tom dera Maria, wonderful to understand that you have arrived safely. I hope that you have had a better nights sleep since you arrived and that the rats or what it was not have eaten the rest of your foodsuplies- Knepigt att skriva på engelska, jag känner att ordföljden blir fel. Hoppas allt går bra,att ni har det bra, jag tänker er varje dag. kram båda, Carin
Hej Maria och Tom!
Hälsningar från Bonny som mår utmärkt: Sover i sängen, springer med Claes och Esme och håller gott tempo, badar, äter och snarkar - ett drägligt liv. Det går jättebra!!!
Nu åker vi på en utflykt så hon får bo på hotell oxå!
Det låter bra från er också - det glädjer oss!
Kramar från oss alla genom Claes
Hej Mamma och Pappa,
Kul att bloggen är igång. Jag skall visa barnen imorgon. Vi tänker på er, pratar om er och är allmänt stolta över vad ni gör!
Stora pussar och kramar,
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